After purchasing the comfort update key I ran in to trouble. The comfort update ended with a short message that it was unable to run. So I decided to do a manual update as described (
). Update from 2.06+ (build 150930) to 206plus-build151126
After this I got the following error:
The table "{{settings_global}}" for active record class "SettingGlobal" cannot be found in the database.
Even after following these instructions:
I've no result and still the same error (I'm running Ubuntu 12.04). Also putting back my backup did not resolve the error. The database did not change as far as I can see!
First thing, there is absolutely no database change between 150930 and 151126.
Also, there is no change in SettingGlobal class since a long time.
So the problem can't come from here.
Thank you for all your replies. I restored the files only! DB was not changed.
I might created a problem with my /tmp/ directory. In mysql db CLI I get an error when DESCRIBE lime_settings_global --> create/write to file 'tmp/filename'. I'll look into this and report back.
Thank you for your time. I created the problem myself. Fixed /tmp/ and old backup is running great although comfort update stops with Unknown error at the File system step. But that's for another thread I guess!